Rhetorical and Visual Analysis

·         The ethos of this image is the text that is seen on the transparent hand.

·         The terrier in the child’s eyes, the words that are in the hand, and the hand placement.

·         The photographer is Jill Greenburg also known as “The Manipulator”. She works with many different types of magazines and organizations. 

(give more information about Jill)
·         It’s a gives a sympathetic feeling.

·         The emotion of the child. The hand placement. The words that are shown in the hand.

·         Yes they are.     

(Explain why they are)
·         The image is focused on the child’s pain. The child’s crying with terrier in his eyes.

·         It being a photograph shows that it’s a real boy that is being abused. The reason why it is so close up is to focus on the child’s reaction to the verbal abuse.

·         The visual is more effective. Reason being, the visual shows clearly the emotion in the little boy. As where the text doesn’t really get the main idea across.

·         This visual can have all types of audiences. It can have adults, teenagers, and children as an audience. Because abuse is a major issue in our society, the visual does not pertain to one audience but to all.

Isaias hernandez