Persuasive Letter

     My name is Jackie Maldonado and I’m very concerned with the issue of child abuse and the psychological outcome of the survivors. In order to have less reports of child abuse, parents should have background checks of any crime committed. If something is found, the child can go to a relative of the parents that have a stable home and have time for the child. Also an abused child needs to be cared for gently with love and care in order to trust any adult. The child can also go into foster care with loving care takers that get yearly background checks also. Any form of child abuse is wrong and should not happen. Being a victim of abuse has made me realize that I wasn’t the only one. That I could’ve gotten help, I could’ve talked to someone, but I didn’t. I was scared. We don’t want children to be scared of adults that are trying to help them. We need to take actions for this to be prevented.
     The only way I feel this issue can be resolved is for parents to get these yearly checks or anyone that handles children. This may be able to save many lives. However, I understand that it may continue to happen.  Just the same way we can’t stop all murderers; we can try and prevent them. This idea may help many children to have a future and a life they want. No one has the right to take that away from a helpless child. The only solution there can be is to get background checks to new parents to see if they can handle having a child. Once a pregnant woman goes to see a doctor for checkups, police or anyone that is authorized should question family, friends, and see their living environment.      
Child abuse is one of the worse ways a child can die, by someone that is supposed to love them. A problem that can be run into is the parent’s not willing to do the background checks. They might find it offensive or rude.  This may be a sign of future abuse. If a parent is aggravated easily or impatient with the situation this may trigger an act of violence. And for this parent to get rid of this aggression is to take it out on the child. If this is seen when the parent is being questioned, the parent should be put into anger management, or go see a doctor that can help their state of mind. Many of the parents unfortunately don’t realize they are hurting their children. These parents can seem quite normal making it hard to tell if they are being sincere to the authorities. With the normal looking parents more measures have to be taken.
     In Oregon of 2009, there were more than sixty thousands reports of child abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, less than half of the reports were investigated. These are high numbers and these are the numbers of only one state. There are millions of kids that are being abused throughout the country.
     This may not prevent child abuse all at once but there will be much less reports if this were to go into effect. A child has a right to live till they grow old. No adult has the right to take that away from them. They have no right to take their life or their dignity or dreams. Like I have said it won’t stop all together but it will save many children’s lives. By the time you have finished reading this letter, seven children have been reported abused.
